An Irish Catholic girl and Jewish man marry despite the objections of their families.
Jewish Abe "Abie" Levy, brings home as his bride Rosemary Murphy, whom he met in France during the war. To appease his father, Abie introduces Rosemary as "Rosie Murphyski". Papa Levy is fooled until Rosie's father, Patrick Murphy, arrives. A comic war erupts. Abie and Rose, having been married by a Methodist minister, are married again by a rabbi to please Papa, and a third time by a Catholic priest to satisfy the Irish contingent. The subsequent birth of twins- a girl named Rebecca and a boy named Patrick- brings the warring factions to a peaceable cease fire.
Fun Fact
The play inspired the weekly NBC radio series, Abie's Irish Rose, which ran from January 24, 1942, through September 2, 1944.